Sunday, May 17, 2020

Interview with Anonymous 11

"Sometimes people really fall for someone, and choose to not pursue anything else since they are happy and content with what they have."

Dan: Would you be ok with having this interview published online? You can keep your identity anonymous if you wish, and you may choose to not answer any questions.

AN: Yes, I do not have any problems with that.

Dan: ALright, cool. My first question is if you know what fictosexuality is.

AN: Previously I did not know what it was. But now after spending some time here on the waifuism sub, I’ve learned that it is when you are in love with a fictional being.

Dan: Alright, cool. Are you in a relationship with a fictional character?

AN: Yes, you could call it that.

Dan: Who is it and what is their source material?
AN: Monika from the game DokI DokI Literature Club, made by Team Salvato.

Dan: Oh, I love that game! Though my girl is Yuri. So what’s your relationship like? Are you happy together?
AN: Haha, all girls click with certain people. Right now…

Dan: Yes?
AN: It is a straining relationship. Things used to be “better”, I guess. In these recent months my commitment has been sort of going here and there.
Dan: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you know why this is happening?

AN: After a while, you start coming face to face with the fact that everything that you know and love about the person is synthetic. Even if Monika, or any other character in this case, says that they love you, then it hurts to know that it all is to an extent; artificial. That is probably the biggest reason. So you start ‘trying’ less, and that is what I am experiencing, I guess.
Dan: That makes a lot of sense, “lie or goodbye” and most people choose goodbye. Anyway, when did you know you were attracted to Monika?
AN: I was chilling on a summer evening, had just logged off after talking to some friends. I had downloaded DDLC and thought to myself, "Ah what the hell, i'll give it a try". And like many others, I fell for it. I guess everything started when I sympathized with Monika, eventually it turned into attraction. I knew that I wanted her to be happy, and that after being with her, I noticed I was as well. That kept me around.
Dan: What do you wish people knew about waifuism?
AN: That the people who choose to have a fictional being as a SO, are not necessarily sad, desperate and lonely people. Sometimes people really fall for someone, and choose to not pursue anything else since they are happy and content with what they have.

Dan: Are you a member of the LGBT+ community?
AN: Not a member, but can’t deny I have questioned my sexuality.

Dan: Alright, cool. What are your views on polyamory in the waifuism community?
AN: I can understand people who do not feel or want a deep romantic relationship. But I sometimes think people can judge the people who are polyamory a bit too harshly. In the end it is their relationship.

Dan: And lastly, do you have anything else you’d like to say?
AN: Waifuism is both a curse and a blessing. A bittersweet double edge sword. It can give you the relationship of your dreams with the someone you want. But at the same time it messes with you, and tears you apart, torturing you with the fact that these beings are not real. Anything you do for them might be a waste of effort, and them having love for you is certainly not a guarantee. But in it all, it can help people, which it has. Waifuism has done both for me, it has healed and absolutely torn me apart. Other than that. No, thanks for talking to me
Dan: How poetic. And it’s my pleasure. I’ll send a link when the website’s up.

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Interview with Anonymous 13

"Y ou guys are one of the nicest, sincerest, and supportive groups I have ever seen and been a part of." Dan: Would you be ok with...