Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interview with Anonymous 10

"It has just the same amount of love as an IRL relationship and is as serious as one and it is not weird."

Dan: Would you be ok with having this interview published online? You can keep your identity
anonymous if you wish, and you may choose to not answer any questions.
AN: Yes, I’m ok with this being published.
Dan: So first of all, do you know what fictosexuality is?
AN: Yes, I do.
Dan: Are you in a relationship with a fictional character?
AN: Yes, I am.
Dan: What’s their name, where are they from?
AN: Her name is Kurumizawa Satanichia McDowell and she is a demon girl from hell.
Dan: What anime?
AN: Gabriel Dropout is the anime.
Dan: How do you spend time with her?
Dan: Mostly doing things around the house right now, but most of the time we enjoy watching TV,
playing video games, and cooking. Outside we enjoy going on walks and dates and just doing little
things around town.
Dan: Do you feel like your relationship with her has something that IRL relationships lack?
AN: Yes, I do.
Dan: What would that be?
AN: Our relationship has contentment, security, and trust, which I think most IRL relationships lack.
Dan: I see. And do you feel that IRL relationships have something your relationship doesn’t?
AN: No, not really.
Dan: When did you know you were a waifuist?
AN: About 3 years ago, but I wasn’t aware of the community until 1 year agog.
Dan: What do you want people to know about waifuism?
AN: That it has just the same amount of love as an IRL relationship and is as serious as one and it is
not weird.
Dan: Are you a member of the LGBT+ community?
AN: No.
Dan: What are your views on polyamory in the waifuism community?
AN I honestly think it’s a taboo thing and I personally think that only 2 people should be in a
relationship because that’s what keeps the relationship happy and without jealousy.

Dan: So my last question is if you want to say anything else?
AN: No, I have nothing else to say.
Dan: Alright cool! Thanks for talking to me!

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