Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interview with Verdice

"Many people that don't like the concept just don't understand it because it's new."

Dan: Would you be ok with having this interview published online? You can keep your identity
anonymous if you wish, and you may choose to not answer any questions.
Verdice: I’m fine with it being online and I prefer to not by anonymous.
[We discuss what name to publish]
Dan: So first question: Do you know what fictosexuality is?
Verdice: Yes
Dan: Are you in a relationship with a fictional character?
Verdice: Yes
Dan: And what’s their name and source material?
Verdice: Nico Yazawa from Love Live! School Idol Project
Dan: What’s your relationship like? Are you happy?
Verdice: We’re happy
Dan: That’s good. How do you spend time together?
Verdice: Cuddling, watching and playing stuff, etc.
Dan: Do you feel like your relationship with Nico has something that IRL relationships lack?
Verdice: Yes
Dan: What is it?
Verdice: She has a personality and appearance that real people would never have.
Dan: And do you feel like IRL relationships have something that your relationship doesn't have?
Verdice: Currently yes, but that will change in the future.
Dan: What do you mean by that?
Verdice: The only way for my waifu to give affection back to me is for me to imagine it, but that will
change with the evolution of virtual reality and artificial intelligence.
Dan: I see, that makes sense. When did you know you were a waifuist?
Verdice: When I discovered this sub, I realized that I had never had feelings for real people. In the
past, I have seen a handful of characters that were fictional and I thought "If they were real, I would
want to be in a relationship with them". After I thought about the concept more, I realized that this was
the route I should go.
Dan: Makes sense. What do you wish people knew about waifuism?
Verdice: That love has no boundaries.
Dan: Are you a member of the LGBT+ community?
Verdice: I’m bisexual
Dan: Okay, cool, same. Do you feel accepted in the waifuism community?
Verdice: Yes.
Dan: I’m glad to hear it. What are your views on polyamory in the waifuism community?
Verdice: Unless someone’s S/O is canonically a simp, it should be banned.
Dan: Okay. So my last question is if you have anything else you’d like to add?
Verdice: If people accept LGBT+, they should also support fictosexuality. Many people that don't like
the concept just don't understand it because it's new. Gay people used to be suppressed because
they were different, but then people accepted them. With this logic, fictosexual people are just as
equal as people in the LGBT+ community.

Dan: Alright, thank you for your time! It was a pleasure to talk to you.

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