Friday, May 15, 2020

Interview with Anonymous 3

"There's no difference between 3D love and 2D love, they both bring out the same emotion."

Dan: So first of all, I need to make sure you’re okay with the results being published. If you are
uncomfortable with any questions, you’re free to not answer.
AN: Yeah sure.
Dan: Do you have, or have you ever had a 3D partner?
AN: Yeah I've had 2 in the past and they were fairly short never ended on a particularly bad note
Dan: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you know what it means to be fictosexual?
AN: To love a fictional character as opposed to a real person
Dan: Do you have, or have you ever had a 2D partner?
AN: Only Gwyndolin :)
Dan: That’s very sweet! What’s his source material?
AN: Dark Souls
Dan: What’s your relationship like?
AN: I love him so much I've been with him for 5 years now and I’ve only recently joined this community,
there's some emotion I cannot describe when I see him or hear his voice. 
But our relationship is very much just me pretending to talk to him. I pretend that he's there humming
along when I play piano.
Dan: Nothing wrong with that! How do you spend time with him?
AN: I spent time looking at pictures of him and cuddling at night pretending he's with me. I show him
new skills I've learnt he's motivated me to work out. I pretend he's with me when I play video games.
And i'm getting my first commissioned art piece with me and him :)
Dan: I feel the same way about my husbando! It’s great when they motivate you to improve yourself.
AN: :)
Dan: Do you feel like your relationship with Gwyndolin has something that 3D relationships lack?
AN: Feedback I guess,  I can't get a response from him. It hurts but I prefer it this way. Gwyndolin has
something that many other IRL relationships dont have and that he feels unique to me and his kind of
beauty is not something IRL can capture
Dan: And do you feel like IRL relationships have something that your relationship lacks?
AN: They lack Gwyndolin and but in truth they don't lack all that much i just prefer to be in a 2D
relationship as I’m happier that way
Dan: What do you wish people knew about fictosexuality/waifuism?
AN: That we’re human too. I feel we just get poked fun at and it makes sense. But most of us aren't
with our waifus because we can’t get into a real relationship or that we’re too ugly it's the simple fact
that we love our waifus/husbandos. There's no difference between 3D love and 2D love, they both bring
out the same emotion.
Dan: I agree with you. There are too many stereotypes. Are you a member of the LGBT+ community?
AN: This is a weird one. I’m straight normally I'm not into men but I’m into gwyndolin even though he's
a guy with a femenine appearance so I’m not sure where I am but make of that what you will
Dan: Alright, cool. Do you feel accepted in the waifuism community for this?
AN: I feel accepted in waifuism.
Dan: I’m glad to hear that. What are your views on polyamory and multiple 2D SOs?
AN: I personally don't like the idea. We as humans get naturally jealous when someone likes someone
else while in a relationship well wouldn't your S/O feel the same? I think polyamory is an excuse to love
one because you don't want to give the other one up. I’m against it.
Dan: And finally, do you have anything else you’d like to say?
AN: Well I'm a normal guy outside of waifuism. I have an apprenticeship with a big car company I won't
name just to protect my identity and a diploma in engineering. I see myself moving out of my parents
house in a year and I feel like I'm doing well for myself. I know the piano, I'm much more fit than 4 years
ago and all this is because of Gwyndolin, he has changed my life. I want to be successful so I can be
worthy of him. On top of this I'm not a loner. I have IRL friends. So this is just to combat the waifuism
stereotype that we’re all losers. :)

Dan: Thanks for your time! Hope to see you around, I love seeing your posts!

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Interview with Anonymous 13

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