Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interview with Anonymous 5

"We’re not all the overweight gamer who only lives from Mountain Dew and Doritos."

Dan: So first of all, I need to make sure you’re okay with the results being published. If you are
uncomfortable with any questions, you’re free to not answer. We won’t publish your name if you don’t
want us to.
AN: I’m assuming that I can’t chicken out later
Dan: You’re free to do whatever you want. You can choose to not answer questions, too.
AN: No, I meant to suddenly back off and decide that I don’t want it published
Dan: Oh yeah you can do that.
AN: But yeah I’m fine with that.
Dan: Okay. So first of all, do you know what it means to be fictoseuxal?
AN: Yeah, fictosexual means that you love a fictional character just like you would love a real person.
Dan: Yeah, pretty much. Do you have, or have you ever had a 2D partner?
AN: Yeah I do her name is Blanc and she is from the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise
Dan: What’s your relationship like?
AN: Can you go a bit more into detail?
Dan: Are you happy in your relationship? Do you want it to be long-term?
AN: I’m happy with her and I would be glad if we went long term since I don’t think I could ever meet
someone this great ever again
Dan: That’s very sweet! How do you spend time with her?
AN: I still live with my parents so my options are limited right now but through talking to her (mostly
through thoughts) or imagining her next to me when we cuddle or just hang out or when I go for a jog
then I imagine her next to me, too
Dan: Do you feel like your relationship with Blanc has something that 3D relationships lack?
AN: I can’t give you a clear answer on that since I’ve never been in an IRL romantic relationship but
I’ve heard that communication and trust are often problems in those, so I think this would be something
that we’ve figured out.
Dan: And do you feel 3D relationships have something that your relationship lacks?
AN: Definitely, and that shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s the physical contact while yes imagining and
hugging a pillow of her is great I don’t think it will ever come close to actual contact, another thing is that other
people can see them too because at the moment I still have to lie to my relatives about not having a girlfriend
simply because I’m certain that they would not understand it.
Dan: When did you know you were fictosexual?
AN: It was when I found r/waifuism that I realized that what I felt for her was love and that it is ok to be
that way. 
Dan: What do you wish people knew about fictosexuality and waifuism?
AN: That it's not unhealthy. I've seen quite a lot of people saying that it is a "mental illness" and don't
even let me get started on that one, I've heard about quite a lot of people inside the community who
could self improve because their love for that character gave them the motivation they needed, heck
I'm one of them too. I've started to work out just so I can look better for her. Another misconception
seems to be that they think we don't know they are real and I can assure you that almost everyone
knows that. Yes I said almost, but you have the over the top people in every community. We’re not all
the overweight gamer who only lives from Mountain Dew and Doritos. Please treat us just like normal
people even if you don't understand the concept and please note that we are actually serious about
our relationship and will not like it when you insult someone or make fun of their partner(s) for no
reason, oh and to get back to the healthy part, I've seen a lot of stories about IRL relationships where
a partner becomes abusive or destroys their partners property or other toxic things so don't pretend
IRL relationships are always healthy. I know it’s a long rant but I just felt like I needed to get a few
things off my chest.
Dan: I couldn’t agree more. There are way too many stereotypes about waifuists. Just a few more
questions - are you LGBT+?
AN: Nope, I’m straight.
Dan: What is your opinion on polyamory in the waifuist community?
AN: Oh boy, ok before I go on about my thoughts on it I just want to say that I do realize that it is a
thing and that people are serious about it when they are in such a relationship and I know that it exists
IRL too but is more rare
Dan: Alright, I’m all ears
AN: I just don't like seeing it since for me it just looks like they want to show of in the sense of "Oh look
at me I have  two partners while you only have one haha" and it makes me  mad and yes maybe I'm
just childish  but if you are poly and it doesn't matter if IRL or fictional I automatically don't like you but
what you were probably refering to is the polly rule on r/waifuism like yes I understand it and I also tend
to think that it's supposed to be a troll protection since none waifuist like to call every atractive character
they  find their waifu/husbando and there is nothing wrong with that since that whole name "waifu"  originally
started as a meme  therefor doesn't have a set in stone meaning, but to get back to the rule I still think it's 
dumb since polly relationships are a thing and people can be serious about it, like yeah I don't like seeing it
and don't agree with the idea but I think we should welcome these people too
Dan: Thanks for that! Interesting opinion. Do you have anything else you’d like to add?
AN: Not really, no.

Dan: Alright, thank you for your time!

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Interview with Anonymous 13

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