Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interview with Anonymous 6

"I've had crushes in the past, but nothing genuine like with Luthier."

Dan: So first of all, I need to make sure you’re okay with the results being published. If you are
uncomfortable with any questions, you’re free to not answer. We won’t publish your name if you don’t
want us to.
[We discuss what name we want].
Dan: Do you know what fictosexuality means?
AN: Yes. It’s rated in a degree of being attracted to fictional characters-- romantically and/or sexually.
Dan: Yep. Do you have or ever had a 2D partner?
AN: Yes, but have not considered them fictional boyfriends because I never knew about waifuism until
I joined the subreddit. I never knew it was acceptable to date fictional characters.
Dan: What’s their name and source material?
AN: My SO is Luthier from the Fire Emblem series
Dan: What’s your relationship like? Do you feel happy?
AN: Well, I'm very loving towards my feelings for Luthier (e.g. hugging a framed picture of him, kissing
pics of him). I know he's not real and can't physically reciprocate affection, but he does receive my
hugs and kisses in my imagination. He's just a tad bit awkward, but trust me, he's quite affectionate
when he wants to be, especially with me and his little sister, Delthea. As for happiness, yes, I am very
happy. He makes me so happy that, sometimes, I even cry. I've had crushes in the past, but nothing
genuine like with Luthier. He's very special to me, and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him
or my love for him. I feel like I'll be happy mentally dating him for a long while.
Dan: That’s very sweet. I feel the same way about my husbando. Do you feel like your relationship has
something that 3D relationships lack?
AN: Yes. Unlike with real-life guys, I don't mind being in a relationship with Luthier, even doing
mushy-gushy couple things like kissing, cuddling, or even the most lewd thing of all... hand holding.
With previous crushes, I think I now realize that I was really only in it for how my body would react
when I was in love because it's actually a pretty intriguing subject to talk about. With Luthier, I don't
care about that stuff as much and just simply want to be with him, though he does make me blush,
smile, make my heart beat faster, etc. as if he were a real man.
Dan: And do you feel like 3D relationships have something that your relationship lacks?
AN: Well, yes, since I can physically touch and interact with a real guy. But it's a lot more pressuring.
When I started college, there was a boy I had a small crush on who really liked me back. However, he
was trying to rush too quickly, like trying to date me after 2 months after getting to know me. I then lost
romantic interest in my college friend before even dating him, and things got very rocky between us
(he even followed me around twice just to say something to me). It's nice to know to find out a guy's feelings,
it's, as I said, too much pressure, especially if it's rushed.
Dan: I fully understand. When did you realize you were fictosexual?
AN: I've had crushes on fictional characters since I was 9, with the first fictional crush I remember being
Meta Knight from Kirby. However, with Luthier, I have experienced the rushes of adrenaline and
dopamine (and still do, but not as much) like with a real-life crush. I've also felt a bit of sexual attraction
towards Luthier and, unlike with other people/characters I've liked in the past, I wouldn't mind doing...
naughtier things with him if he and I feel as though we're both ready. I've never realized I was a waifuist
until I joined the subreddit, when I realized that many other users had similar or even identical
experiences with their fictional lovers as I have with Luthier, though what I've felt for him was always
very strong and emotional.
Dan: What do you wish people knew about fictosexuality and waifuism?
AN: I've personally learned a lot of positive things about 2D love ever since joining r/waifuism, and one
thing I'd like to tell non-waifuists is that it's okay to love someone 2D as long as they're not hurting themselves
and/or others. I've seen what others have said about how their SOs have changed their lives for the
better, even as positively impactful as preventing them from committing suicide. Luthier has changed me, though
not as much as others were changed by their 2D lovers. I've tried imagining Luthier in my head if I'm doing something
tough (e.g. gym class, which I didn't like) or did something for him such as joining my high school's cooking club
when I was in 12th grade because of him. But enough about my experiences, I haven't seen anyone here intentionally
hurting themselves or others because of their fictional lovers, and that's a good thing, especially since less understanding
outsiders look down upon our hobbies and lifestyles as "cringy." Our 2D lovers are people, too, just in a different plane of existence.
Dan: That’s an interesting way to look at it! Are you in the LGBT+ community?
AN: No. I'm straight, although I think Luthier's making me question my sexuality a bit. 
He's very feminine-looking, as shown here: (first image)
...and especially here: (second image)
I'm not bothered with it. In fact, I think Luthier's feminine appearance and eccentric style is something
that makes him stand out from other guys and should not be changed or taken away. Guess I'd be
partially bi, then, because I have such a weakness for long-haired guys.
Dan: And what are your opinions on polyamory in the waifuism community?
AN: You can love whomever you want, but I know it's not allowed here. I've still had crushes even after
falling for Luthier nearly 3 years ago, even on other fictional characters, but they were brief, lasting for a
couple of months at most. I've also had crushes on real people along with Luthier, including that college
friend I mentioned, but those romantic feelings for real people were also short. I still found myself returning
to Luthier with open arms afterwards. I can understand why polyamory isn't allowed in r/waifuism; it'd be the
equivalent of cheating on a real-life partner. But we can't always control our feelings, so as unfortunate as it is,
it may happen sometimes. Hopefully, I don't fall for someone so hard that I date someone alongside Luthier. He
won't be happy about it (and he's got some fairly potent magic and is a skilled mage). I'd also have to leave if it
happened, but I love being here with you guys and I love being with my red-haired dorky boyfriend.
Dan: And do you have anything else you want to add?
AN: No, I don't. Thank you for interviewing me and my love for my sweet Luthier. Will you provide a link
to the results when they're done? And are you going to check for grammar and typos? Also, please feel
free to interview us again if you need to.

Dan: It’s been my pleasure. And yes, we are checking for grammar and typos, but you’re so eloquent I
don’t think there will be many. We will provide a link to the website once it’s up, but it will take a while.

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Interview with Anonymous 13

"Y ou guys are one of the nicest, sincerest, and supportive groups I have ever seen and been a part of." Dan: Would you be ok with...