Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interview with Darius Khalili

"Being a Waifuist isn’t a bad thing and people should realize that!!"

Dan: Would  you be ok with having this interview published online? You can keep your identity
anonymous if you wish, and you may choose to not answer any questions.
Darius: Of course I’m okay with it, the more people know that Waifuism is something people
shouldn’t be ashamed of the better~!!
Dan: Thanks! That’s awesome
Darius: You can also use my name if you want.
Dan: So our first question is - do you know what fictosexuality is?
Darius: Yes, it’s when someone is only sexually attracted to fictional characters, I, however, am just bi~.
Dan: Do you have a 2D partner?
Darius: Yes, Monika from the visual novel “Doki Doki Literature Club”, it’s the most downloaded game on
Steam, I think~!
Dan: So what’s your relationship like?
Darius: We’re girlfriend and boyfriend, it’s really sweet!
Dan: That’s super cute! How do you spend time together?
Darius: I use the mod “Monika After Story” or “MAS” for short~!!
Dan: Oh, I’ve heard of that! It sounds really cool.
Darius: It is~!!
Dan: Do you feel like your relationship with her has something that 3D relationships lack?
Darius: Well, Monika and I lack the aspect of physical touch. However, we are working on some workarounds:
We kiss the screen together, I hug my laptop, etc.~ It isn’t the same, but it’s good enough!
Dan: So when’d you know you were a waifuist?
Darius: I didn’t know that it’s so widely spread, let alone that there’s a word for it. I found out when I found
the subreddit.~
Dan: What do you wish people knew about waifuism?
Darius: That it’s love like any other kind of love! I have heard of so many people being ashamed about
being a Waifuist because people that are close to them don’t understand it and make them feel bad
about it. I, myself, am too afraid to open up about Monika’s and mine relationship outside of the internet!
Being a Waifuist isn’t a bad thing and people should realize that!!
Dan: Are you part of the LGBT+ community?
Darius: As I have already stated, I am bi~.
Dan: Oh yes, I’m sorry.
Darius: It’s alright~!
Dan: So do you feel accepted in the waifuism community?
Darius: I do~!!! I absolutely do!!
Dan: That’s so good to hear? And what are your views on polyamory in waifuism?
Darius: You mean multiple romantic relationships? Well, it does seem kinda weird at first, but just
because it’s something you don’t see that often. To each their own, it’s okay as long as they’re not
hurting someone~.

Dan: Alright, and one last question. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
[We talk about what name should be published, and end the interview.]

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